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SJHC / About Us/ Mission, Vision, and Values/ Mission Legacy Awards

Mission Legacy Awards

The community of St. Joseph’s Home Care shares a deep belief in the values that our founders, the Sisters of St. Joseph of Hamilton instilled in our organization: that it is an honour to serve – and in particular to ensure that those most vulnerable and marginalized have access to compassionate, high-quality care.

The prestigious Mission Legacy Award recognize extraordinary individuals who have made an exceptional contribution to the health care ministry of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Hamilton, St. Joseph's Home Care (SJHC), and/or St. Joseph's Health System (SJHS).

Eligibility and Criteria for Selection

Those eligible are any of the following individual, groups/teams who have gone above and beyond the call of duty to contribute to the legacy and mission of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Hamilton, St. Joseph's Home Care, and/or the St. Joseph’s Health System. 

  • Employees (frontline to management)
  • Posthumous candidates 
  • Sisters of St. Joseph of Hamilton
  • Volunteer Board Members
  • Volunteers

Nominee contributions are measured against the Mission, Vision and Values of St. Joseph's Home Care.

As the Mission Legacy Awards recognize only those individuals who devotedly embody the values of our founders, a limited number of award winners are named each year. Contributions of award winners are seen as generally equivalent.

Nomination Process & Form

We encourage any individual(s) (internally or externally) to nominate a deserving individual or group/team as a candidate to receive the Mission Legacy Award. The nomination of posthumous candidates is also welcome.

Nominations must include a summary detailing the career and achievements of the nominee as well as an explanation detailing how this individual has contributed to the legacy and the Mission of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Hamilton, SJHC and/or the SJHS. In addition, the name, address, and phone number of the nominee as well as the nominator should be included.

It is the intent of this award to recognize individuals who have made meaningful contributions throughout the history of the organization, not just those from the recent past.

There is no deadline for nominations as the selection process is ongoing. Annually, a selection committee will review all nominations on file including those from both current and prior years for consideration. A formal recognition will take place annually at an event scheduled to acknowledge the exceptional Mission Legacy Award winners for the current year.

Please click here to download the Nomination Form. 

*Note: the nomination deadline for the 2023 award ceremony is June 1, 2023. Nominations received following that date will be kept on file and considered for the 2026 ceremony.

Nominations should be forwarded by mail to:

St. Joseph's Home Care
c/o Office of the President170 Ogilvie St 2nd Floor

Dundas, Ontario L9H0C6

Email to: 

For additional information, please call 905-522-6887 ext. 2225

Process for Selection

St. Joseph's Home Care will form a Mission Legacy Award selection committee to review nominations. All nominees or their families (by designate) will be approached for their approval prior to any public announcement.

A permanent display recognizing all award winners has been established in the hallway of St. Joseph's Home Care corporate office.

A plaque recognizing the individual will be presented to the award winner or designate as appropriate.

We thank all members of the St. Joseph’s Home Care community who participate in this worthy process.