Why donate?
Your gift will help us fund vital initiatives to help our clients in need of financial assistance. St. Joseph’s Home Care will use your charitable donation to provide programs and direct services to seniors in need of community supports and home care services in Hamilton. Your generosity in supporting our valuable work in the community is deeply appreciated.
Will I receive a tax receipt?
St. Joseph’s Home Care is a not-for-profit charitable organization; our charitable registration number is #108C1 4077 RR001. Tax receipts will be issued for all donations in accordance with Canada Revenue Agency guidelines.
How will my donation be used?
SJHC commits to use your donations to support our Poor and Marginalized program. All donations go directly to provide services to underserved seniors who require support to live independently in the community.
Reasons to Give:
A donation of:
- $25 will subsidize a foot care session for one senior
- $150 will provide 12 hours of homemaking services a year to a senior in need
- $300 will provide a grab bar to 10 seniors to help reduce the risk and prevent falls
- $500 will provide a Christmas dinner to 25 seniors who would not have Christmas dinner otherwise
Donations can be made directly to St. Joseph's Home Care.
There are a number of easy options to donate.
What types of donations are accepted?
SJHC accepts a number of different ways to give as follows:
Donating to a Specific Program
We always respect the wishes of a donor in terms of how they would like to see their donation used. If a donor instructs us that their donation should be earmarked for a specific program, we guarantee the donation will go to that program or service.
One-time and monthly gifts
Help provide services to those in need either with a one-time donation or through monthly giving. Monthly giving is an opportunity to spread your payments over 12 months instead of making a donation in one lump sum.
Memorial gifts
Some donors choose to remember or honour a loved one by making an in memoriam donation. Donation forms are available at all local Hamilton funeral homes.
Tribute Gifts
Did an SJHC employee provide exceptional service? Tribute gifts are a special way to recognize a member of the SJHC team. Staff members will be notified whenever a tribute gift is made in their honour.
Will my donation be recognized?
We are truly thankful for all the donations we receive.
Each donor will receive a thank you letter from the President of St. Joseph’s Home Care thanking him or her for the donation.
SJHC will not publish the names of donors who express their wish to remain anonymous.
To speak with St. Joseph’s Home Care about making a donation, please call 905-522-6887 ext. 2241.