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SJHC / About Us/ M-SAA Agreement

Multi-Sector Accountability Agreement (M-SAA)

Our Commitment to Quality & Accountability

St. Joseph’s Home Care is committed to providing the best quality care to our clients in an environment that promotes openness, transparency, accountability, and trust. We believe that a strong connection between public reporting and identifying areas for improvement leads to system-wide benefits and best practices that ultimately enhance delivery of care to our clients.

To support this commitment, St. Joseph’s Home Care (SJHC) and the Home and Community Care Support Services (HCCSS) work together to provide transparency and reporting under the principles of the Multi-Sector Accountability Agreement (M-SAA). This performance agreement assigns SJHC a measure of responsibility for planning and integration to advance the development of the health system as a whole.

Quality improvement is an ongoing priority that helps us continually find new and better ways of doing things. It gives our organization the ability to chart our progress and very clearly see our targeted areas for improvement. It also provides us with a meaningful way to clearly articulate our accountability, performance to our stakeholders, clients, and our community.

Declaration of M-SAA Compliance

In addition to the signed agreement, SJHC also submits a Declaration of Compliance with the M-SAA. The M-SAA agreement and signed Declaration of Compliance forms are posted below:

SJHC M-SAA Agreement

Declaration of Compliance 2019

Declaration of Compliance 2020

Declaration of Compliance 2021 - 2022

Declaration of Compliance 2023