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SJHC / About Us/ Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan

Welcome to St. Joseph’s Home Care Strategic Plan – Vision 2025.   

This 5 year plan for our organization, released in November 2019, has been developed in conjunction with our system partners, St. Joseph’s Hospital and St. Joseph’s Villa, Dundas.  Working together, under the direction or our one board of directors, the result is a plan focused on providing integrated care where ever possible to meet the needs of our community.

The plan was created with input from staff, our clients and caregivers, community partners and government.  Across the system, we have most recently focused on the government of Ontario’s new vision for the healthcare and have reflected these different elements in our directions as well.

Strategic plans are not static documents.  This plan sets a course for St. Joseph’s Home Care defining where we will focus our energy and resources and is a catalyst for action.  Goals and outcomes will be assessed along the way to adjust our course to ensure we are successful in a changing landscape. 


Four Strategic Directions Lead to High Quality Home Care.

 Leading – Leaders in Integrated Care
We will be provincial leaders in the delivery of coordinated and integrated home care services.

Learning – Responding to our Clients, Caregivers and Community
We will develop innovative, state of the art programs to meet the needs defined by clients, caregivers & community.

Building – An Inspiring Place to Work and Learn
Our people are the heart of our organization. We will attract, develop and retain the best employees who are engaged, deeply knowledgeable, and live our mission and values daily.

Caring – Excellent Care
We will provide services through operational excellence that is delivered with compassion, dignity and respect for each person we serve.

This is our promise and our challenge to each other and to our clients and community for the next five years:  We are Committed to Excellence.  Dedicated to Discovery.
