The week of December 1-7, 2016 is National Safe Driving Week with the goal to increase awareness of safe driving habits and things to keep front of mind during the winter months. During the winter season, there is an increased risk of road collisions, impaired vision with snow storms, and drivers that had too many holiday drinks. Below are tips that you can use and share with loved ones to keep everyone safe on the roads this winter season.
Winter tires do make a difference
Even though we have been lucky with great weather so far, winter is coming and it is prudent to be prepared and proactive in winterizing your vehicle. Ensure your car has winter tires with the snowflake/mountain symbol to indicate they are winter tires. It is best to install them when the temperate drops below 7°C, as the rubber starts to harden on all-season tires and loses grip.
Are your lights working properly?
Winter is a great time to replace your headlights or rear lights before they go out, so that others can see your vehicle in a surprise snow storm.
Make sure your battery is fully charged
Test your battery before bad weather hits, and replace your old one if necessary. This is very important so that you don’t get stuck on the side of the road in the cold.
Get the proper brakes
Winter tires are important for traction, but brakes are just as important. Check for squeaking, creaking, or rattling and make sure to get your vehicle serviced as soon as possible if anything seems off to you.
Keep a brush, scraper, and emergency kit in your vehicle
This may be an obvious one for the winter, but some people think their windshield wipers can take off the snow. This will in fact ruin them. Be prepared, and always ensure a brush and scraper are in your vehicle. You can purchase an emergency car kit in a variety of stores to keep in your vehicle at all times. Make sure the supplies are not expired or torn, otherwise replace the old supplies.
Don’t drive impaired
You may think you just had a “couple of drinks” but any alcohol consumption above the legal limit will impair your vision and reaction time. Make sure to have a responsible designated driver, or call a cab. It’s much easier to pay a cab then pay a fine or risk someone’s life.
Don’t text and drive
This is important to keep in mind any time of year, but also useful for the holiday season. Even if you want to send a quick text to say you “will be there soon,” it is not worth the accidents that are caused daily by texting and driving.
As enjoyable as the snow can be in the winter, it is important to ensure vehicles are safe for you and your loved ones. Keep these tips handy as a checklist for any winter season.