Gentle Persuasive Approach (GPA) training is an all-day evidence based training program that helps care providers deliver person-centred, compassionate care to individuals with dementia. The curriculum was developed in 2004 in Hamilton by a collaboration of individuals who received a research grant from the Regional Geriatric Program; this program is now on its third edition and has been adopted into Personal Support Workers (PSWs) training for St. Joseph’s Home Care (SJHC).
The GPA material focuses on four key areas: personhood, brain and behaviour, the interpersonal environment, and gentle persuasive techniques. A variety of educational tools are used such as videos, white board animations, interactive exercises, and sharing personal experiences in working with individuals with dementia.
Important teachings in this curriculum are:
- Individuals with dementia are people first and foremost, with a unique history and a capacity for interpersonal relationships.
- All behaviour has meaning, and to understand the behaviour we must know the person behind the illness.
- The onus is on caregivers to try and understand patterns and triggers, and respond respectfully and confidently to the individual with dementia.
- Reframe behaviour as a response attempt to protect/defend yourself.
- Despite our best efforts, sometimes protective behaviours occur and caregivers need to learn ways to protect themselves and the persons with dementia to reduce injury.
About 110 PSWs have received GPA training thus far at St. Joseph’s Home Care. We have partnered with Certified GPA Coaches from St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton’s therapy programs, to lead staff in various sessions along with Lori Lawson, Director of Community Support Services, who is a Certified Coach herself. The feedback that SJHC received about the GPA sessions was that it is an overwhelmingly positive experience.
For more information about GPA go to